Words of Enthusiasm for “BEAR!”
“As a school counselor and mental health provider in general, I am very excited about the project, Bear, that Celia Tewey has dedicated so much of her time and energy to and I am so enthusiastic as I watch its progress and growth. This current project is a great demonstration of the power that young people can have as change makers. I feel that this project could not come at a better time, as we are experiencing a mental health crisis among young people. Our youth are suffering, and in many cases, they are doing so in silence. This film offers an opportunity to connect with young people, encourage conversation and de-stigmatize mental health issues. I have always been a huge believer in the power of communication. The tricky part of getting people to open up, is creating a safe opportunity to be vulnerable. I look forward to someday using Bear in my own classroom and for my own children. I see Celia’s, Bear, as a tool that can provide that to children, and the more tools that we have to educate and normalize the human experience of struggle, the more lives that can be changed for the better, or perhaps even saved. I am excited to see this project move forward, and the impact that it will have on the Boulder community and beyond!
-Sterling Roper-Kranjcec LCSW, Pre-K – 8th grade school counselor Boulder Country Day School
As a professional psychologist, childhood and adolescent mental illness is an important and ever-present topic, and something I believe should be talked about more. I have so much enthusiasm for “Bear” and I believe that it will be such an incredible way to teach children about mental health.
-Kristin Russell, PhD
As a practicing art therapist, I am excited to see “Bear” come so beautifully to fruition! Its storyline and masterfully crafted multimedia presentation facilitate making difficult and important emotional content accessible to an audience of all ages.
Having authored an illustrated book to help children of all ages process the loss of a loved one, I have a particular appreciation for what Celia is addressing with her work and her creative execution. In as many ways possible, we must educate our ever-changing society on the complexities of mental illness and the need for proper treatments.
Too many people, young and old, feel alone and isolated with their emotional pain.
By supporting local Boulder artists like Celia, we can help grow compassion and understanding, facilitate healing, reduce suffering, and collectively address both a significant global and local problem.
-Susan V. Saralegui, MA, LPCC